
Volkswagen Atlas

Volkswagen Atlas VW “Goes Big” in the US By Kevin Joostema, Partner, | July 2017 With an additional investment of 0 million in the factory just opened in 2011, VW is bringing its biggest vehicle to date – the VW Atlas – to US consumers this summer. What is this vehicle? This is a competitive, 3-row, Midsize SUV newly developed by Volkswagen to compete in one of the hottest segments of the US vehicle market: Historically, Midsize Sedans have been the largest volume segment in the US. However, market volume – and profits – for the leading manufacturers, whether mainstream or luxury – are now driven by Compact SUVs and these Midsize SUVs. It meets all the required cues for what the most popular, high-volume Midsize SUVs have given consumers for decades: It has a presence on the road due to its size. The driver has a commanding view of the road and feels “p0werful” from inside. It is cavernous inside – with flexible space in seating versus cargo It drives like a car – not a truck. Dynamically it is comfortable to drive. Who is this vehicle for? Mature families that want an alternative to the high volume (and thus common) leaders like the Honda Pilot or For Explorer in this segment. This is a new buyer for the VW brand to attract – to date there has not been [...]

2018-02-15T00:07:48-05:00Jul 2017|Car Reviews|