
Kevin Joostema elected Board Member of Washington Automotive Press Association (WAPA) for 2019

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 2019  Car-ED is honored to announce the election of one of its founding partners, Kevin Joostema, to the Board of the Washington Automotive Press Association (WAPA) for 2019. WAPA is unique among media associations with equal parts consumer, business, and policy-focused media among its 150 members, making it attractive to many organizations for workshops and innovative awareness-building programs. Kevin is excited to innovate with the WAPA leadership and members. He states, “As an experienced auto industry executive I come from the inside of brands such as Honda, VW, and Cadillac where I helped bring segment-leading products and services to market based on consumer needs. My teams helped craft their stories in meaningful ways to consumers and the media to create awareness and grow sales.”  Kevin’s innovation is evident in building Car-ED where they have created a simple and fun AI tool that consumers and dealers use to engage buyers and help them find their best vehicle match. “I look forward to helping the board innovate to expand programs and membership with a mission to grow its domain and bring new benefits to its members,” notes Kevin. Bill Hopper, President of WAPA, recounts, “Kevin has already brought innovation to WAPA by putting together our first Electric Vehicle day during the 2019 Washington Auto Show as well as our first 2-wheel media day for the Motorcycle sector during the Progressive Motorcycle Show in [...]

2019-09-06T12:55:58-04:00Sep 2019|News|